Car #3584 prepared for shipment
3584 is prepared in Hamburg for shipment to NYC

Hamburg Car No. 3584

3584 is a model V6E electric trolley car built in 1952 by Linke-Hoffman-Busch. The newest trolley car in the museum's collection features a modern interior with teakwood seats and a slatwood floor. It features electrically op­er­ated automatic destination signs, a public address system and three doorways for easy access.

Car 3584 operated in Hamburg, Germany over the Hamburger Hochbahn Aktiengesellschaft from 1952 to 1978. The car was con­verted to one man operation in 1965. Final runs of the car were in 1978 over Route 2 in Hamburg.

Hamburg car in Kingston
Moving into the U&D Engine House, Kingston NY

It was brought over to the US in 1978 for the express purpose of displaying it in the New York City Steuben's Day parade. The car was donated to the museum by Joe Supor, the owner of a trucking company who had 3584 in storage for a number years following the parade. The car is in good con­di­tion and is currently on display.

A similar car is No. 3557 in San Francisco.

Dimensions: 46'-3" x 7'-3" x 10'-10", Weight: 40,250 lbs., Seating Capacity: 31, Standee Capacity: 69.